Piriformis Syndrome

“Do you know that Piriformis Syndrome can be responsible for almost 0.3 to 6% of all the cases suffering from low back pain? According to a study, the occurrence of piriformis syndrome might be almost 2.4 million per year. Piriformis syndrome occurring from the compression of nerves, mainly the sciatic nerve, could be detrimental if not treated within a specific time. In case you feel back pain or gluteal pain arising from piriformis syndrome and doesn’t disappear within some weeks, it’s high time you see a doctor.” – Spring Nature Link, National Library of Medicine

What is piriformis syndrome?

Piriformis syndrome mainly occurs due to the entrapment of sciatic nerves at various levels under the piriformis muscle. Patients often feel pain in the gluteal region characterized by burning, shooting, and aching sensation that goes down the buttock and leg. These are the characteristics of piriformis syndrome pain patterns.

What are the symptoms of piriformis syndrome?

Piriformis syndrome occurs from nerve entrapments often showing the following piriformis syndrome symptoms which are very similar to sciatica.

  • Shooting of the leg muscle
  • Tingling sensation in the muscle
  • Pain sensation in the legs
  • Feeling of aching in buttocks and legs
  • Numbness of leg
  • Burning sensation in the hips

The symptoms may get even worse with situations like:

  • Climbing stairs
  • Running or walking
  • Sitting idle for longer periods

What are the causes of piriformis syndrome and the risk factors attached to it?

Any activity that causes the piriformis to get pressed on the nerve can cause a piriformis syndrome. There are some common causes of piriformis:

  • Inflammation of the tissues around the piriformis nerves.
  • When muscle spasms occur
  • When the muscle gets scarred

This condition occurs especially due to sedentary lifestyles and can happen due to the following reasons:

  • Whenever you are climbing, running or walking without having any strong piriformis muscles.
  • You have a habit of keeping a fat wallet in the back pocket and sitting on it.
  • In case you have injured your hip, butt or maybe leg from any accidental fall.
  • You might develop tight muscles from less activity in a day.
  • Before a physical activity if you haven’t warmed up or done a proper stretching, then this kind of condition might occur.
  • In case you have over- exercised by running long hours or doing a rigorous activity then this condition might occur.
  • If you are sitting for longer hours, then this type of condition might occur in your legs and hips.
  • Some birth conditions can also lead to piriformis muscle conditions.

Piriformis Syndrome if untreated can lead to the following conditions:

  • Chronic pain can occur in the buttock and leg which can lead to difficulty in performing various activities.
  • Prolonged ignorance of the pain can lead to nerve damage.
  • This can lead to muscle imbalances, joint problems and musculoskeletal damages.
  • Persistent untreated conditions can lead to reduced motion of the hip and lower back.
  •  They can lead to pelvic instability.

Ignorance of the illness can lead to disruption of daily activities like climbing stairs, prolonged sitting or even bending. Piriformis syndrome can be mistaken with other muscle pains and sciatica, mainly. But if you can give attention to all minute details, and go for some immediate home remedy, then this pain could be relieved. 

If the home remedy fails and the pain persists, then medical attention would be the only way out. This disease arises from modern lifestyle and can be avoided if prevention is allowed.

What are the various diagnosis methods for piriformis syndrome?
  • Detecting piriformis syndrome could be a challenging task. The following methods are generally used for the diagnosis of the syndrome.

  • Physicians often ask questions about any recent trauma, or maybe overuse of any physical activity like running or jogging. The pain might be aggravated by sitting, continuous standing or maybe climbing stairs.

  • The physician will sometimes palpate the piriformis muscle to identify the trigger point or any tenderness of the tissues.

  • Various imaging studies like MRI, Ultrasound, and CT scan can detect the syndrome for piriformis.

  • Various electromagnetic tests can help the detection or even rule out a chance. Fluoroscopy or ultrasound can ensure accuracy.

  • Specialized diagnostic tools like a nerve conduction study or MR neurography may show the area of conflict.

What is the fastest way to fix piriformis syndrome: Piriformis Syndrome Treatments

If you feel pain, numbness, and a shooting sensation that goes down from your hips to your legs, then you can seek the following treatments for piriformis syndrome if slipped disc has been ruled out.

First and foremost, you must give time to exercising. You can do stretching or strengthening exercises that stretch the piriformis muscles and make them stronger. Besides, you can go to a physiotherapist to do a range of motion exercises and deep massages as it will improve your mobility. 

In case of unbearable pain, you can get over-the-counter pain medication to get instant relief, as they will reduce inflammation. You can also use muscle relaxants if you find it difficult to stretch and exercise. 

Moreover, steroid injection and functional training also help a great deal in piriformis syndrome. However, you must start with functional training after your pain and range of motion improve, as it will help you get back to doing more demanding exercises. In resistant cases, botox is often used to relax the muscles. In some cases where the anomalous course of the sciatic nerve through the piriformis muscle is the area of conflict, it can be released with a small surgical treatment.

It is recommended to consult our doctors at Axis Clinics to know the best possible treatment of Piriformis Syndrome based on your condition.

What are the various recovery and rehabilitation tips for piriformis syndrome?

Recovery from the piriformis syndrome involves certain activities like relieving stress from the sciatic nerves and strengthening the muscles surrounding the sciatica.

  • Resting and modifying activities: You can change positions while sitting or standing. If you are suffering from pain, you must limit activities like prolonged sitting, standing or maybe lifting heavy.
  • Performing some stretching exercises: You can perform some stretching exercises in standing and sitting conditions, which might cause some relief.
  • Performing the strengthening exercises: You can do some standing exercises like bridges, clamshells, and side-lying leg raises. These will bring some relief.
  • Doing massage therapy: Whenever you have a tightening muscle, you may use a foam roller or a tennis ball in the piriformis area to get relief.
  • Using anti-inflammatory both allopathic and natural ayurvedic methods: Depending on the anti-inflammatory drugs or pain killers can help you get relief. Also, you may rely on foods like ginger, turmeric, and other omega-3-rich fatty foods.
  • Minding the posture and ergonomics: While sitting you can correct your posture and take the aid of some ergonomic chair for relaxing your spine.
  • Doing some physical therapy: Any physical therapy can be designed for targeting stretches, postural training, and also conducting ultrasound and other electrical stimulation.
  • Performing alternative therapy: Alternative therapies like yoga, Pilates, chiropractic care or osteopathy can cure the piriformis pain.
  • Seeking medical help: In case you are having any persisting pain, numbness, or difficulty in walking then you can consult the doctor or ask for suggestions.

When can you seek medical help for piriformis syndrome?

The effects of piriformis syndrome can be managed with self-care rest and stretching, but in case of severe situations, it requires medical attention. The situation that demands attention is mainly:

  • Having persistent pain in lower back and buttocks.
  • Persistence of a severe pain that affects daily activities like sleeping or sitting.
  • There is a numbness in the leg that worsens mobility.
  • There might be a loss of bladder or bowel control
  • In case you have an accident or a trauma that affected the buttock or hip area.


Piriformis is a common condition and millions of people suffer from the syndrome. In case, you can’t get rid of the pain by homely remedies, you can ask for medical help from Axis Clinics.

Frequently Asked Questions

To release your piriformis muscle, you may try stretching and other exercises.

Piriformis can be mistaken for the pains encountered with sciatica, numbness, and tingling of the leg muscles.

You may perform stretching exercises and many others like massage therapy to get rid of the piriformis pain. Sit on the floor and try the figure four for 5 minutes and this might give you immediate relief from piriformis pain. Focussing on glute strengthening and muscle relaxation with roll foam could be the best home remedy.

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