Lumbar Endofusion

Lumbar Endofusion

Spinal instability is problematic as it can sometimes lead to very dangerous situations. That’s why when there’s a risk of spinal stability, doctors often decide to perform surgery. This surgery is known as spinal fusion, and it’s an open and invasive surgery. That’s why it can be risky, and the recovery can take a long time.

But at Axis Clinics, we deal with such issues with the help of a minimally invasive procedure called lumbar endofusion. It is an endoscopic surgery for spinal fusion in the lumbar region. Our doctors choose this surgery for many reasons, including the patient’s safety. So, if you also feel pain and discomfort in your spine, consult our doctor to find a relevant solution.

What is Lumbar Endofusion?

Lumbar Endofusion is a surgery to fuse two or more vertebrae in the spine for stability. It is a minimally invasive approach for spinal fusion, which, compared to the traditional open spinal fusion surgery, is very safe and effective as well. Open spinal fusion surgery is one of the surgeries where the risk involved is very high. However, with lumbar endofusion, the risk involved with spinal fusion has become negligible.

Lumbar endofusion is assisted by a device called an endoscope, which is the name of the endofusion. With this device, doctors can easily access the visuals of the inside of the human body through a tiny incision. In most cases, this incision is only 3 cm long, which is very small compared to an open surgery.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Lumber Endofusion?

Endo-fusion can be used when there is a need to fuse two vertebrae. Here are some of the conditions where lumbar endo-fusion can be required:

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease is an age-related problem where the discs degenerate as the person ages. Sometimes, DDD can lead to spinal instability, causing a need for lumbar endofusion.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is treated with decompressive surgeries, which may cause instability. To prevent this, hat lumbar endo-fusion allows for stabilization by removing disc material and fusing the others.

Disc Herniation

Sometimes, disc herniation can turn serious or occur at tricky locations, which may require urgent surgery and wide decompressions to help the patient relieve the pain. This may cause instability. In such cases, lumbar endofusion is used.


This is a condition where the vertebrae slip from its place and land on the bone next to it, which may result from trauma or degeneration. If the displacement is too much, it invariably requires fixation through lumbar endofusion.

How Does Lumbar Endofusion Work?

In Lumbar endofusion, the surgeon makes an incision in the back of the patient. The endoscope is inserted Through this incision, providing access to the inside visuals. Now, through the same incision, the damaged vertebrae material is taken out. After that, the bone graft is used to fuse the two vertebrae. To hold the bone graft and vertebrae, rods and screws are used.

What are the Benefits of Lumbar Endofusion?

While the benefits of lumbar endo-fusion are countless, as it has completely changed the way spinal fusion is done, these are some of the prominent benefits of lumbar endo-fusion:

  • Minimally Invasive – It is a minimally invasive surgery, which means less blood loss and faster recovery. Moreover, it also makes it safer than the traditional surgery.
  • Improved Stability – With lumbar endo-fusion, you regain spine stability, which is very important for living a healthy life and doing daily activities.
  • Reduced Risks – With minimal tissue disruption, there is almost no chance of scarring and other post-surgery risks.

Patient's Journey: How is the Lumbar Endofusion Performed?

At Axis Clinics, we always focus on treating our patients without discomfort. That’s why we choose minimally invasive procedures like lumbar endofusion. Here’s what it looks like at the Axis Clinics:


As the patient arrives at the OT, our doctor starts preparation for the operation. The patient is given anesthesia, which helps him/her not to feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery once this is done.


Now, the surgeon starts an incision and puts on the endoscope. By carefully handling the endoscope, the surgeon takes the endoscope to the place where the operation has to be done. Now, with other special equipment, the diseased disc and other materials are taken out. Once done, an implant is placed and fixed with screws for the stabilization of the spine. Lastly, the equipment and endoscope are taken, and the incision is stitched.


Soon after the operation, recovery starts, and our experts will take care of the complete recovery and rehabilitation. While it doesn’t take too long to recover due to the small incision, a full return to regular activities may need some assisted exercises.


Lumbar Endofusion is a step towards simplifying the complex surgery of spinal fusion. With a safer and less risky methodology, the treatment provides the same or even more effective way than traditional surgery. At Axis Clinics, our doctors always choose this surgery over the traditional one for the comfort and safety of the patient. So, if you are also dealing with a similar problem, contact Axis Clinics today!

Frequently Asked Questions

No, it depends on the cause of the instability and severity. Many cases can be fixed with conservative methods where core strengthening or natural autofusion provides stability. However, in specific dynamically unstable segments, a surgical fixation is required.

Yes, patients can return to their normal lives by following a recovery and rehabilitation schedule designed by our experts.

According to a study, L4-L5 fusion is quite successful, and most patients fully recover from the surgery.

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